注意: 由于天气原因,今天的课程取消了. 检查黑板上的沟通,从你的导师.




  1. The operation and parking of a motor vehicle on the property of SBU is a privilege granted to the students, faculty, staff and guests 大学校长.
  2. SBU reserves the right to make and enforce regulations which are deemed to be in the 维护大学的最大利益.
  3. Motor vehicle privileges may be denied, suspended or revoked by the University.
  4. The University assumes no responsibility for the safety, care or protection of any 在校园内停放或营运的车辆.
  5. All motor vehicle regulations are subject to enforcement 24 hours per day, 365 days 每年.
  6. Motor vehicles include, but are not limited to, any form of transportation that makes 使用马达. 电动轮椅不包括在这一类中.
  7. Any special arrangements for parking must be made in advance with the department of 安全免票.
  8. It is the driver's responsibility to be familiar with these regulations.
  9. All vehicles operated or parked on University property must display a current SBU 停车许可证.


  1. Each member 大学校长 community who operates a vehicle on campus is required to register that vehicle with the department of safety and security. 这是个人的 responsibility of the owner to notify the department of safety and security of any corrections that need to be made concerning vehicles registered in his/her name.
  2. The registration of a vehicle in no way guarantees that a parking space convenient 将为个人提供. 寻找合法停车位的责任 空间取决于车辆操作员.
  3. Lost or stolen permits should be reported to the department of safety and security.
  4. 停车许可证是免费的.
  5. Permits are the responsibility of the registrant and should be removed prior to the sale of a vehicle or the termination of a student's enrollment at the University. 许可证不得转让给任何其他人.
  6. Permits should be displayed in the vehicle's rear window on the driver's side. 一个许可证 may be displayed in the front driver's side windshield if the vehicle has tinted windows.


  • 教员/员工 (Purple) - allows for parking in reserved faculty/staff parking spaces
  • Commuter (Gray) - allows for parking in all general parking areas and the commuter 停车场
  • On-Campus (White) - allows for parking in all non-reserved parking spaces
  • Temporary permits - issued as needed to regular permit holders, visitors or guests 在特殊情况下
  • 访问or - issued to people who frequent the campus but are not students or employees 大学校长
  • Wellness Member Permits may be obtained from the Meyer 健康中心 office for 健康中心会员.


  1. Vehicles should be operated in a prudent and careful manner at all times.
  2. 校园街道的限速是20米.p.h. 所有停车场均为5米.p.h.
  3. 行人在任何时候都应享有先行权.
  4. 宿舍用地从早上6点开始向所有人开放.m. - 2 a.m. 每一天. 居民 礼堂场地在下午2点至12点之间保留给居民使用.m. - 6 a.m.
  5. 所有教职员工和客房空间从早上6点开始保留.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
  6. The Mabee Chapel Commuter Parking Lot is reserved for commuter permits from 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
  7. Maintenance and 居民 Director parking spaces are reserved 24 hours per day, 7 每周工作几天,并严格执行.
  8. 所有车辆必须停在指定的停车位内.
  9. No vehicles shall be operated or parked on sidewalks or grassy areas.
  10. Vehicles shall not emit loud, obnoxious or unreasonable noise or music. 违反者 多次违规会被开罚单吗.
  11. Students will be provided with a one-week grace period in which to register their 车辆在秋季学期开始.
  12. Students using abusive, argumentative or threatening language toward and safety and security officer who is performing his/her duties in accordance with these regulations will be referred to the Office of Student 生活 for disciplinary action.


Fines will be posted to whomever the vehicle was last registered whether or not that 人拥有车辆. Fines may be paid at the cashier's office in the Sells Administrative Center.


  • 未显示当前许可证- $30
  • 注册失败- $30
  • 使用伪造或伪造的许可证罚款30元
  • 使用偷来的或假取得的许可证- $50


  • 在预留车位停车- 30美元
  • 在限制停车场停车- $30
  • 在草地或无标志区域停车- 30美元
  • 双人停车/妨碍交通- $30
  • 在消防车道停车——50美元
  • Parking in disabled space without disabled hang-tag or plate - $50
  • 欺诈性使用残疾人空间,罚款50美元


  • 粗心驾驶,罚款30美元
  • 超速- $30
  • 未在停车标志处停车,罚款30元
  • 移动障碍物/超越障碍物的限制- 30美元
  • Operating a vehicle on areas other than streets or roadways - $30


  • Mutilation or discarding of a ticket (in addition to original ticket) - $30
  • 噪音过大- $30

Vehicles may be issued one ticket in a 24 hour period for a parking or permit violation, 只要车辆没有移动.


  1. If a student feels that a protest against a ticket is justified, an appeal with a full explanation may be submitted to the department of safety and security at the 哈莫斯楼.
  2. All appeals must be submitted within 10 working days following the ticketed offense. 上诉 will not be accepted after the 10 day period and charges will be final.
  3. All ticket appeals are reviewed by the Student Ticket 上诉 Committee. 的裁决 这个委员会的决定是最终的,不接受进一步的上诉.
  4. Inability to locate a legal parking space is not an acceptable excuse for violation 在这些规定中.


Bicycles improperly parked for a period of 24 hours may be impounded. 自行车停在 legally at an academic building for a continuous period of 2 weeks will be considered 被遗弃并可能被扣押. (注:锁紧装置可根据需要切割和拆卸 在蓄水.) Impounded bicycles may be claimed and released for a fine of $10.00. Bicycles not claimed by September 1 of each year will be disposed.

  1. 不得在教学楼内使用轮式车辆. 这包括滑板, 旱冰鞋、旱冰鞋、独轮车和自行车.
  2. 自行车在任何时候都要给行人让行权.
  3. Bicycles are to be parked in or immediately adjacent to the bicycle racks provided. Bikes are not to be parked in grass, sidewalks and academic buildings. 自行车可能是 存放在宿舍里.
  4. Bicycles may not be secured to any property other than designated bicycle racks.


  • 车辆和自行车在校园内应上锁.
  • 不要把贵重物品放在车内的露天地方.
  • Any crimes occurring on University property should be reported to the department of 安全尽快,保障早日.


For further information pertaining to Motor Vehicle or 自行车的规定, contact 安全部门在520 W. 奥尔德里奇Rd.,玻利瓦尔MO 65613, (417) 328-1556 or safety@SBUniv.edu.
