注意: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

criminal justice professor gives class lecture


Learn about SBU's criminal justice degree program

Our criminal justice system needs employees who care about the individuals entrusted 由他们照料. As a criminal justice major at SBU, you will benefit from the individualized instruction coming from small class sizes and a faith-based approach that will teach you the foundations of criminal justice with an emphasis on servant leadership.

With both theoretical and practical emphases, you will learn about the criminal justice system, criminal law and law enforcement and will be prepared for a variety of potential career paths, such as federal or state law enforcement, corrections, probation and parole, private security, research and more. Some graduates build upon their bachelor's degree in criminal justice and go on to law school or other graduate-level work.

The 刑事司法 degree is offered through SBU's 文理学院



SBU students in Welcome Week processional


  • All faculty have first-hand, real-life experience and are dedicated to sharing their experiences as they teach and equip students.
  • 14 hours of transfer credit are granted to individuals who have received certification upon completion of 400-600 hours or equivalent training programs of the police/sheriff's academies and who subsequently enroll in this program at SBU.
  • Broaden your opportunities by adding a second major or minor in psychology or sociology 到你的学位课程.


SBU's criminal justice faculty is committed to a foundation of biblical truth and Christian faith within the academic curriculum. 这个基础增加了一个重要的 perspective in class discussions about the criminal justice system, society issues and ethics — allowing for a more thorough examination of the fundamental causes of crime and society's response to it. For example, the belief that everyone is created in the image of God and is loved by Him, and that the root of crime and related societal problems lies in the sin nature into which we are born impacts how we approach criminal 正义问题.

This foundational freedom at all levels of study allows students to develop a more well-rounded understanding of the true nature of crime and justice, and gives students a fuller range of ideas to effectively address current issues within their criminal 正义的事业.

Faculty's personal Christian faith influences interaction with students on a daily 基础. Faculty pray with students and genuinely care about them in and out of the 教室.

While all courses inherently integrate the Christian faith, the department of behavioral sciences also offers special classes specifically focused on faith integration, such as Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, and Agape Love and Altruism.

The department has adopted 2 Peter 1:5-7 as its department verse: "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love."


After majoring in criminal justice, SBU alumni are pursuing a variety of career paths. 最近的例子包括:

  • Highway patrol — in states like states Missouri and Arkansas
  • 法学院
  • Local law enforcement and fire departments
  • 联邦调查局堪萨斯城办事处
  • 服兵役




As a behavioral sciences student you are encouraged to join SBU's Behavioral Science Club, which unites all students interested in and studying the behavioral sciences, including criminal justice, psychology, social work and sociology. 俱乐部成员聚会 regularly to encourage each other and participate in various service projects.

Sociology and 刑事司法 Society (SCJS)

Join SBU's chapter of Sociology and 刑事司法 Society (SCJS), an honor society for behavioral sciences students studying sociology and criminal justice.